“Fans of valvular verity will absolutely love the richness and body of the VTV’s midrange and will feel right at home with the impressive height and depth of the very palpable soundstage…….I consider this amplifier a can’t lose value!”
—Stu McCreary, Positive-Feedback 2020 Writer’s Choice Award
NEW Mono VTV Amplifier with Hypex NC1200 module and VTV Custom Vacuum Tube Buffer
Designed by Andrew Sparks of Sparkos Labs, the VTV Vacuum Tube Buffer features a direct coupled dual triode driving a four transistor Wilson current mirror. The output of the current mirror feeds an I to V converter stage featuring the Sparkos 3602 dual discrete opamp as standard. The board is compatible with almost any dual (or two single) opamps. There are NO capacitors in the signal path. Highest quality Sparkos voltage regulators on board.
Hypex NC1200 module DATASHEET here.
This is a brand new amplifier featuring:
—Vacuum Tube Buffer using 6922 vacuum tube….rich sound and full sound that delivers warm tube sonics. Board supplied with new Genalex Gold Lion 6922
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